Monday, December 1, 2008


Today is December 1 already... I did get a few e-mails from people asking where ia have been. Well I have been here, same spot, same country, just in a new place and new studio. Here i thought i would get back to my normal routine early November, shortly after the move. But i was wrong.... This was the longest move i have ever encountered. But at last, we are 85% officially moved in and routine is setting back in.

In the meantime i am in the middle of a group art exhibit at Cella Gallery in North Hollywood. I must congratulate our curators Shannon and McKenzie, they did a fantastic job in curating this show with 4 artists that are yet different but carries a genuine flow. I am very proud to show with 3 other wonderful artists, Wendy Crabb paints wonderful humans, animals and robots, her pieces makes us want to build stories around them. There is a liberty of movement into her pieces, as if gravity is not an obstacle. Karen Locke is fantastic, she is my new Aubrey Beardsley. My favorite period is the ealry 1900. So, needless to say that i can respect and absorb her work and all it's pure lines and finesse. And then there is Thea Mohr Saks, an artist that i can relate to. Love her work, if you know me well, you'll understand when you see one of her pieces.

Anyways, i am glad to be sharing the same walls as these 3 other artists, not to be difficult, but in the past i have been in group exhibits where i felt that the selection made by curators was poorly done, and it 's just did not work. But this time it is a well executed exhibit. We are in very good hands!

So yeah, go visit or if you are in the North Hollywood, go see it live! It runs until Dec 23rd.

Now, a little bit of an idea of new work coming up. Slowly sketching new pieces for the ctrllab show in April 2009 in Montreal with Robert Clifton, Grant Cunningham, Scotty Dont and Patrick LeBlanc. This show will kick butts. More to come.

For 2009, there will be lots of paintings and sculptures (mostly lights sculptures). The next 3D piece will be about my rat Ginger that passed away last fall. As some of you know and seen in galleries, i have painted Ginger a few times while she was alive and after her passing.

She was buried in my mother's backyard last fall, and this spring, we will "dig her up" and i will construct a piece made with her bones. Just a hint...It will be called "La Grande Punie" (the great punished) An iside joke. You see, sometimes Ginger did bad things around the house (she was a free range rat) Such as leaving food to rot, chewing clothes, pissing on books...Heck she was a rat... She was never punished, but we made scenarios around her on how would she be punished? This piece will be about that. Really looking foward to it!



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